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From the Start We Remained In a Higher Realm and When Wishing to Start Anew We Began to Take and Separate the Prepared through Uriel By Jon Alexander Morris and Dark Matter The Density of Matter... And When Combining them They Inhaled Do To Their Super Dense Form Imploding and Inhaling in the Expansiveness of the Seven Directions of North, West, East, South, Up, Down And the Density of Within, and As it Expanded the Anti-matter as Photonic Expansion, Photonic Fusion, Photonic Bonding and Then Were Utilized with Ionic Refraction Through The Ions of Aeoniel Unto Colour, and From Colour There Came Ionic Fusing in Diversity, and Ionic Bonding in Diversity, Then Covelant Fusing Forming Diverse Forms of Covelant Bonds in Diverse Form, In Essence the Root of The Atomic Fusing Forming the Stars, And Within the Stars Began Atomic Bonding as the Star Cooled, Of Which Eventually Became Elemental Fusing Within the Remains of the Dead Star unto Elemental Bonding Through the Dark Matters Effect Upon Element Bonding in Dark Energy, From there Came Mass Fusing with the Effects of Asteroids and Comets Combining As Mass Bonding Forming Worlds and Large Masses of Elements Within Dark Energy, The Mass Hurled Through Dark Energy Eventually Finding the Gravity of the Star When finding Rotation around the Star the Magnetism Caused the Earths Rotation as it Found Balance of Its New Rotation of Gravitational Pull and Finding Place Around that Stars Rotation Eventually Warming and Heating the Element When a Mass Finds Place in Distance From the Star to Cause Life by the Elements Being Heated And the Ice From the Elements to Become Water, The Water then Began to Stew within Different Aspects of the Elements Causing Mitosis by Decay Forming Bacteria, And from Bacteria Forms of Life through the Trial and Error of Time and the Stew of the Heat of the Star Transitioning the Life Source of Water as it Combines and Began to Be Manipulated into Forms of Life...
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.+

Now the earth was formless and desolate,* and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep,*+ and God’s active force*+ was moving about over the surface of the waters.+

And God said: “Let there be light.” Then there was light.+

After that God saw that the light was good, and God began to divide the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, but the darkness he called Night.+ And there was evening and there was morning, a first day.

Then God said: “Let there be an expanse+ between the waters, and let there be a division between the waters and the waters.”+ Then God went on to make the expanse and divided the waters beneath the expanse from the waters above the expanse.+ And it was so. God called the expanse Heaven.* And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.

Then God said: “Let the waters under the heavens be collected together into one place, and let the dry land appear.”+ And it was so. God called the dry land Earth,+ but the collecting of the waters, he called Seas.+ And God saw that it was good.+ Then God said: “Let the earth cause grass to sprout, seed-bearing plants and fruit trees according to their kinds, yielding fruit along with seed on the earth.” And it was so. And the earth began to produce grass, seed-bearing plants+ and trees yielding fruit along with seed, according to their kinds. Then God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.

Then God said: “Let there be luminaries*+ in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night,+ and they will serve as signs for seasons and for days and years.+ They will serve as luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth.” And it was so. And God went on to make the two great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day+ and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars.+ Thus God put them in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth 18 and to dominate by day and by night and to make a division between the light and the darkness.+ Then God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.

Then God said: “Let the waters swarm with living creatures,* and let flying creatures fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.”*+ And God created the great sea creatures* and all living creatures* that move and swarm in the waters according to their kinds and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. With that God blessed them, saying: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters of the sea,+ and let the flying creatures become many in the earth.” And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.
Then God said: “Let the earth bring forth living creatures* according to their kinds, domestic animals and creeping animals* and wild animals of the earth according to their kinds.”+ And it was so. And God went on to make the wild animals of the earth according to their kinds and the domestic animals according to their kinds and all the creeping animals of the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Then God said: “Let us+ make man in our image,+ according to our likeness,+ and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every creeping animal that is moving on the earth.”+ And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.+ Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth+ and subdue it,+ and have in subjection+ the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.”

Then God said: “Here I have given to you every seed-bearing plant that is on the entire earth and every tree with seed-bearing fruit. Let them serve as food for you.+ And to every wild animal of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving on the earth in which there is life,* I have given all green vegetation for food.”+ And it was so.

After that God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good.+ And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.
Thus the heavens and the earth and everything in them* were completed.+ And by the seventh day, God had completed the work that he had been doing,* and he began to rest on the seventh day from all his work that he had been doing.*+ And God went on to bless the seventh day and to declare it sacred, for on it God has been resting from all the work that he has created, all that he purposed to make.
You heavens, rain down from above; Let the clouds pour down righteousness. Let the earth open up and be fruitful with salvation, And let it cause righteousness to spring up at the same time. I, Jah, have created it.”

My instruction will fall as the rain; My words will trickle as the dew, As gentle rains upon grass And as copious showers upon vegetation.
Faithfulness will sprout from the earth, And righteousness will look down from the heavens

The Seven Fleshly Beings Which Are the Seven Horns of the Seven Horned Lamb Have Loosed the Seven Times as a Spiritual Week of Indefinite Strides, and The Fifty Two Times as the Spiritual Year, Of which Was Prepared and The Seven Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb And Those of Whom Follow them Are Now Untied and Enter into The Realms Belonging to the Seven Spirits of the Seven Horned Lamb of God The Realms Belonging to The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Rose of Sharon to Oversee The Pastures Allocated Within Their Realms and Times of which Were, Are and Will Be... The Twelve Crops of Tribes of the Seven Spirits Prepared By Jon Alexander Morris within the Boundary of Abel of Beth'maacah Will Pass Through the Twelve Spiritual Months, Of which Will Have The Spiritual Length of Spiritual Longevity In the Realms of Prepared Blessed Inheritance within the Beneficially Progressively Growing in Glory, Beauty and Blessing as Was, Is and Will Be; And the Seven Spirits Will Enjoy their Desired Indefinite Desired Potential of Blessed Stride of If Desiring More Robes than Merely One and Infinite Desired Potential of Blessed Strides within the Blessed Pastures of Which May Choose to Return Here If The Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; of Jon Alexander Morris; The Rose of Sharon; as Of the Son of Man of the Head of Days is Agreeable To Return If In Mercy He Feels Sorrow For the Decay or Desolation of Other Realms If it Befall's Them, and He Will Again Redeem and Rebuild the Sanctuaries and Refashion Beauty and Blessing In Complete Redemption, and If The Desire to Bring Even More Exaltation to the Indefinitely Lasting and Infinite Realms of Blessed Inheritance; Then In That Case That One Will Feel Inclined to Do So, and In Double Portion Will the Blessing, Glory, Beauty and Delights be Brought to Exaltation; Whether Or Not the Path of That One is Never Within Destiny and Is Untied Within Progression For Every of His Return to the Pasture of Hebron; Within the Rose Galaxy Within The Sub-Realm of Reparation and Redemption to those of Which Has Fallen Into Calamity...If the Seven Spirits Choose to Return; After The Seven Spirits of the Returned and The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris of the Returned Seven Horned Lamb They Will Again Rise and Ascend Unto the Eternally Blessed and Overly Abundant Realms of Prepared Blessed Inheritances Beyond Zion and Will Again the Seven Spirits Will Enjoy their Desired Indefinite Desired Potential of Blessed Stride of If Desiring More Robes than Merely One and Infinite Desired Potential of Blessed Strides within the Blessed Pastures of Which May Choose to Return Here If The Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; of Jon Alexander Morris; The Rose of Sharon; as Of the Son of Man of the Head of Days is Agreeable To Return...Also Prepared within the Covenant; That Which Attempts to Defraud, or Steal From My Flesh or My Spirit or Works or Inheritance Will Decrease Within Their Flesh or Their Spirit or Works or Inheritance as My Flesh or My Spirit or Works or Inheritance Will Increase as Prepared As Sealed Within the Indefinite and Infinite; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared by The One Creating the Holy Shiloah; Amen
Within Zion, and The of Realms Of Inheritance There Is Absolutely No Sense of Weariness Nor Feelings of Being Emotionally, Spiritually, Nor Physically Dry Nor Weary Nor Afflicted By Worry of End, Nor Worry Of Length of Stride; For the Abundance of Pleasure, Delights and Satisfactions Within Progression Give Great Joy and Ease of Stride Within the Indefinite Stride; Even In the Infinite Desired Potential of Strides Unto the Eve of those Strides of Immortality...

From Progressive Strength To Progressive Strength Will The Times of The Inhabitants of They Will Rise With Abundant Peace, Joy, Bliss, Excitement, Happiness, and Comfort, And They Will Enjoy Their Infinite Desired Potential of Indefinite Stride Unto Indefinite Stride Within Intrigue, Loyalty, Peace, Abundance of Riches, Righteousness, Wisdom, Joy, Bliss, Holy Insight, Holy Inspiration, Holy Intrigue, Comfort, Happiness, Ease of Endurance, Love, Freedom, Food-stuffs, Assorted Drink, Confidence, Blessing, And All That Is Desirable To Their Delight to Do; Will Be Within Their Reach, They Will Enjoy Abundant Satisfaction in The Desire of Their Heart; For their Hearts Will Be Led and Even Inclined To Do What is Good and Right in The Eyes of their Creator... Even In The End of Their Indefinite Stride; They Will Lay Down In The Dusk of the Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potential of Stride With No Form of Resentment, Regret, Panic, Affliction, Curse or Condemnation, They Will Accomplish Their Stride and Lay Down In Peace, Satisfaction, Comfort, Abundantly Satisfied, Bountiful, and With Complete Peace of Mind With Knowledge of The New Dawn of the Next Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potential of Stride... WHAT IS DECIDED UPON IS WHAT WAS ACCOMPLISHED, IS ACCOMPLISHED AND WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared By The Source; Amen

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David’s work was all well-organized, from the day the foundation of the house of Jehovah was laid until it was finished. So the house of Jehovah was completed.By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of armies in Shiloh May My Boundary Be Built that My Heart Will Not Be Broken Within My Inheritances, and That My Inheritances and the Unities and Relationships within Love Never Have the Feelings of Jealousy, As Love is Not Jealous...Cause it To Become that My Expression Progresses in Self Control and Righteousness Becoming That Which is Beneficial to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah From this Stance Forward Even Within My Transitioning From Progressive Robe Unto the New Progression In the New Progressive Robe as Becoming Of More and More Use With Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; By the Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen
I Share the Riches I Have and I Will Neither Regret Nor Resent the Covenant Within the Infinite and Indefinite Potential of Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance; By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

Khoomites Will Bless, Honour and Make Holy The Flocks of Judah, Judah Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit Jon Alexander Morris Within the Boundary of Vah-rodites, Vah-rodites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Tzahovites, Tzahovites Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Tekhelet's, The Tekhelet's Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Sah-golites, The Sah-golites Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris within the Yah-rokites, The Yah-rokites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Kah-tomites the Kah-tomites Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within The Kah-tomites Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Ah-domites, The Ah-domites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within The Kah-kholites, The Kah-kholites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Lah-vahnites, The Lah-vahnites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within The Ah-forites, The Ah-forites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within The Shah-khorites, The Shah-khorites will Prepare The New Preparation of the Khoomites and The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Robe of Baldr Smith Transitioning Unto Daniel "The Pleasure of Holy Spirit" To Again Rise In Michael within Jon Alexander Morris of Which Will Prepare the Salt in the Bowl For Bring the Flocks of Judah to Assist The Khoomites of Which Will Bless Honour and Make Holy The Flocks of Judah...

After Every Walk of Existence there Grows as If a Callous of Lost Innocence, Of which Will Now Be Buffed Away and Made Soft and Sensitive And From there The Transition If Feeling Unworthy to Righteousness You Will Be As if a Sand Speck Into as it Were in the Embrace of as it Were an Oyster Transitioned into Something Very Precious Of Which Will Be a Transition Within Discretion of The Humiliations and Within Will Be a Knowing of Worthiness in the Eyes of What is Holy and Good, and From There the Transition Will Be as if The Worth of A Precious Pearl Placed in the Strength of Stability of A More Precious Form of As if From Holy Direction and Refining Through the Gentle Pressure of the Holy Spirit of which Guides You to an Even More Precious Position With the Blessings of The Prepared; Honour, Righteous, Dignified, Holy, Worthy, Peaceful, Respected, Satisfied, and Blessed As Within as it Were Coal unto Diamond of the Gentle Guidance and Inspiration of the Holy Through the Translator of The Holy Spirit Which is The Guiding Force Beyond Omega of Which Brings Holiness By Holy Inspiration, And In Truth There Will Be Peace, Joy, Blessing, Righteousness, Honour, Dignity, Holiness, Loving, Satisfying, Pleasurable, Delightful, Comfortable, Restful, and Worthy as These Qualities Progress From Indefinite Progressive Infinite Desired Potential Unto Indefinite Progressive Infinite Desired Potential; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

When the Day of The Dawn of Your Righteousness The New Hope Will Be That of a Worthy Disposition Within the True Inner Knowing Of Being Worthy and When That Day Is Firmly Established The Transition Will Be From Righteousness To Exaltation; By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen
A Large and noble family exists in a realm of understanding. This family was made up of one father and countless children. These children varied widely in behavioral qualities. They were all special in their own way. It was a happy and loving family; there was no deception, or any reason for distrust.


Those of Whom If They Do Attempt to Defraud Him That Prepared These Work's Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon Within the Infinite Desired Potential of The Indefinite Strides of Desired Potential As Never Again Having to Return Will In Spirit Increase As The Spirit of Those of Whom Attempted to Defraud Him Will Decrease... Those of Which Attempt To Take His Authority or Power; Will Indeed Be Hurled Down From Their Pasturage On the Command of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris and All Power Will Again Return And Be Given In Increase to the Spirit of Which Ascended From Jon Alexander Morris; The Spirit of The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Spirit of The Rose of Sharon; The Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; I Am That I AM; Jon Alexander Morris..


The Armour of The Spirit and Flesh of Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Rose of Sharon; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's Merely Reflect's the Scheme, Curse, Judgement, And Affliction... Those Contending With Him Or His Spirit Merely Will Receive the Reflection of Curse, Judgement, Or Affliction...


Those of Whom Attempt to Sabotage Of Make Filthy The Realms of Bashan, Sharon, or Ephrathath Or Make Filthy The Spirit or Flesh of Chayot TerOphanim Michael; As The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; As the Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; As The Spirit of the Rose of Sharon, As the Spirit of the Son of Man of the Head of Day's, Those Are the Ones That Will Inherit The Filth of Which They Attempt to Place Upon Bashan, Sharon or Ephrathath or the Flesh of Spirit of Chayot TerOphanim Michael Of the Flesh of Jon Alexander Morris; And They Will Receive the Sabotage of Their Intent; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared By Source; Amen


The father who was a very loving and wise father took the opportunity to work on many hobbies with the children. The family didn't need money or material objects so it gave the family time to enjoy their existences. The Family had such a large number of hobbies that kept them steadily busy.

One of the family’s hobbies was the managing of a large fishbowl. Inside the fishbowl were the father’s highly treasured fish. The father took pride giving extravagant lives to these fish he had. The father allowed all his children to partake in the upkeep of his hobbies; however he claimed ownership over all he shared with his children.

The children started growing older in age, and because of this they reached a type of adolescence. The years of adolescence brought more challenging hobbies and more work for the children in maintaining the father’s hobbies. However with adolescence comes rebellion. One of the best looking children that the father had began to feel pride over his qualities, and because of this he began to cause a disturbance in the home of this family.

The young son wanted to rebel because of his downfall; pride. This young son decided to go directly to the father’s highly treasured fish. He went in front of all the children and confronted his father. He challenged how well his father could take care of the fishbowl.
The father took this opportunity to show how detrimental pride could be. So he allowed the young son to have ownership over this fishbowl. The young son got off to a bad start; he stopped feeding the fish the proper food, and didn't change the water in this fishbowl close to as often as he should.

The fish eventually multiplied and became many. However because of the state of the fishbowl the fish were very sick. They were dying, from malnutrition and lack of oxygen in the water. The fish were anxious and lost. Eventually the young son began to disrespect the father more and more and create added rebellious attitudes among more of the children.

The father trying to be loving and kind to his family could not let the association of the rebellious children to reach the rest of them. So the father got the rebellious children to leave his gorgeous comfortable home.

Those Contending with the Seven Holy Spirit's Before, Within and Beyond the Seven Horned Lamb are Thrown OUT of It's Accomplished Works and Will No Longer Enter into It's Blessing, They Themselves Will Be Blotted Out of the Scroll of the Seven Horned Lamb; Those of Whom Attempt to Condemn the Seven Holy Spirit's Before, Within and Beyond the Seven Horned Lamb of God Will Be Tied End to Beginning and Their Beginning Will Sing a New Song Without the Seven Horned Lamb within the Realm of Their Verse of Time and From there; They Will Be Tied; End to Beginning and Beginning Untied Within Kundilini as a Coiled Serpent, Those of Whom Afflict the Seven Horned Lamb Will Be Given Affliction within their Next Stride, Those of Whom Torment the Seven Horned Lamb Will Be Tormented Within their Next Stride, Those of Whom Attempt to Make Filthy the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb Will be Made Filthy in the Next Stride; Those of Whom Attempt to Imprison The Seven Horned Lamb of God Will Be Imprisoned within the Following Stride, Those of Whom Tear Down the Boundary of the Seven Holy Spirit's Before, Within and Beyond the Seven Horned Lamb Will be Tied to the Scheme or Destruction they Prepare For the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; Those of Whom Are Treacherous to the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; Will Be Without Peace; By The Power of the Servant of Jehovah; Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah

Baldr then gathered all the men of Gibeon+ and they fough The Treacherous; the men of Gibeon defeated The Treacherous, who had said: “You are only fugitives from In Hebron you Gibeon·ites in Servitude.” 5 Gibeon captured the fords of the Jordan+ ahead of The Treacherous Ones; and when the men of The Treacherous were trying to escape, they would say, “Let me cross over”; then the men of Gibeon would ask each one, “Are you The Messiah?” When he would reply, “No!” 6 they would say to him, “Please say Shib′bo·leth.” But he would say, “Sib′bo·leth,” as he was unable to say the word correctly. Then they would seize him and slay him at the fords of the Jordan. So The Treacherous of the Congregation fell behind at that time at that time.

And war broke out in heaven: Mi′cha·el*+ and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but they did not prevail,* nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon+ was hurled, the original serpent,+ the one called Devil+ and Satan,+ who is misleading the entire inhabited earth;+ he was hurled down to the earth,+ and his angels were hurled down with him. I heard a loud voice in heaven say:


“Now have come to pass the salvation+ and the power and the Kingdom of our God+ and the authority of his Servants, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God!+ And they conquered him+ because of the blood of the Lamb+ and because of the word of their witnessing,+ and they did not love their souls*+ even in the face of death. On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea,+ because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”+


As the End of a Day Desires Rest So Will The Inheritors of the Prepared Blessings of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb Give Power to the Inheritors To Gain the Seven Strides of Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential of Immortality of Which Beyond On the Seventh Time as the Sabbath of Immortality They Will Indeed Feel They Desire The Sleep and Dream of Mortality in order to Rest and Rejuvenate As a Blood Cell Going Through a Heart Beat; That None May Grow Weary Nor Become Tired Due to the Holy Spiritual Rest on the Sabbath as the Seventh Time of Rest; This Is What Will Be and What Will Take Place For the Holiness of the Flocks Prepared For Our Lord of Spirit's And In Order to Honour His Command; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah of Source; Amen


“If one of your brothers, a Hebrew man or woman, is sold to you and has served you for six times, then in the seventh time you should set him free.+ And if you should set him free, do not send him away empty-handed. You should supply him generously with something from your flock, your threshing floor, and your press for oil and wine. Just as Jehovah your God has blessed you, you should give to him. Remember that you became a slave in the land of Exodus and that Jehovah your God redeemed you. That is why I am commanding you to do this today.

“But if he says to you, ‘I will not go out from your company!’ because he loves you and your household, since he has been happy while with you,+ you should then take an awl and put it through his ear into the door, and he will become your slave for life. You should do the same with your slave girl. Do not consider it a hardship when you set him free and he leaves you, because his service to you for six times was worth twice as much as that of a hired worker, and Jehovah your God has blessed you in everything that was done.



Beyond Times; Within Timelessness, The Formation Will Descend As Rain Forming Growth From the Gate-Keepers of the Opening Realms The Heirarchy of Chayot TerOphanim, The Royal Guard of the Terophanim to Protect Those Doing the Works, Down through the Chayot Hakodesh With Unlimited Strength of the Holy Shiloah; The Creative Tool of Dispensation and Manifestation and Orchestrates of the Symphonies of Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance, Down through the Ionic Orchestrates of the Terophim Expanding and Manifesting All the Works of Ionic Effect Beyond Time, Down Through the Ophanim The Congregation's of Gilead, Gibeah, and Gibeon, Down Through the Orchestrates of the Verses of the Times Indefinite Withing the Realms of Time, and Through These Effects of Truth The Manifestation and Creation Was, Is and Will Be Formed...


In The Beginning, the Photons Were With the Spirit of Jon, The Photons Acted For The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris and the Photons Belonged, Belong and Will Belong to the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon...

In The Beginning, The Ions Were With Jon, The Ions Were Jon and the Ions Belonged, Belong, and Will Belong to Jon, In The Beginning Jon Created the Achievements of the Activity of His Works and Became That Which He Was the Transitioning into The Better in What Is Unto the Best within His Strides as What Will Be, From Every Landing From Indefinite and Desired Infinite Unto Landing From Every Indefinite and Desired Infinite... 


Jon Created, Accomplished and Achieved the Works of His Spiritual Activity and Then Settled With Great Authority As Merely Calling Him-Self Through His Activity As; "I AM That I AM" And Preapred the Pillars of Jehovah of Shiloh as Shiloh of Jehovah and Named That One the Lord of Spirits; That One Was Then To Watch Over the Activities of Jon Alexander Morris of Whom Was in Spirit, Is in Flesh and Will Be In Spirit Again and Gave that One the Realms of Zion of Great Preparation of Effort and in Loving-Kindness and Prepared Him A Canvass of Activity, Whether in Creation, Or Word, and This Became the Outcome; Beyond Alpha and Omega as Prepared by The "I AM" of Activity of Jon Alexander Morris and His Infinite Desired Potential of Indefinite Immortality From Robe to Robe and Realm to Realm, Of Which He Then Prepared The Blessing of His Inheritance and Settled in His Spiritual Inheritance within His Blessing Beyond the Flesh of Jon Alexander Morris; Within the Boundary of Abel of Beth'maacah Of the Seven Horned Lamb Prepared His Flesh as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Days...


May He That Prepared This Perfect Bond of Union Gain the Very Most Blessing From It; And May The Very Desired Ones of My Heart Have in Truth a Craving and Yearning Desire To Draw Close to Me in Love and Communion, May The Weeds of Which Covet and Pursue to Sabotage the Perfect Arrangement Be Left Decreasing While the Good Aspects Within them Are Allocated to My Spirit; That My Perfect Compliment May Find More and More Desire to My Very Being; May the Ones Desirous of My Spiritual Compliment Take What Is Desirable in Others and Allocate it Within My Very Being That I May Progress in Satisfying, Pleasing, Blessing, Teaching, Honouring, Serving, Loving, Dignifying and Complimenting Within Perfect Accent the Desires, Cravings, Love, Communion, Satisfaction, and Expressions of the Perfect Arrangement; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen


So The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David’s work was all well-organized, from the day the foundation of the house of Jehovah was laid until it was finished. So the house of Jehovah was completed.By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of armies in Shiloh May My Boundary Be Built that My Heart Will Not Be Broken Within My Inheritances, and That My Inheritances and the Unities and Relationships within Love Never Have the Feelings of Jealousy, As Love is Not Jealous...Cause it To Become that My Expression Progresses in Self Control and Righteousness Becoming That Which is Beneficial to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah From this Stance Forward Even Within My Transitioning From Progressive Robe Unto the New Progression In the New Progressive Robe as Becoming Of More and More Use With Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; By the Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

I Share the Riches I Have and I Will Neither Regret Nor Resent the Covenant Within the Infinite and Indefinite Potential of Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance; By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

Khoomites Will Bless, Honour and Make Holy The Flocks of Judah, Judah Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit Jon Alexander Morris Within the Boundary of Vah-rodites, Vah-rodites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Tzahovites, Tzahovites Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Tekhelet's, The Tekhelet's Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Sah-golites, The Sah-golites Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris within the Yah-rokites, The Yah-rokites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Kah-tomites the Kah-tomites Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within The Kah-tomites Will Protect the Boundary of The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Ah-domites, The Ah-domites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within The Kah-kholites, The Kah-kholites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Lah-vahnites, The Lah-vahnites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within The Ah-forites, The Ah-forites Will Protect the Boundary of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within The Shah-khorites, The Shah-khorites will Prepare The New Preparation of the Khoomites and The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Within the Robe of Baldr Smith Transitioning Unto Daniel "The Pleasure of Holy Spirit" To Again Rise In Michael within Jon Alexander Morris of Which Will Prepare the Salt in the Bowl For Bring the Flocks of Judah to Assist The Khoomites of Which Will Bless, Honour and Make Holy The Flocks of Judah...


Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Please Help Me to Sanctify This Offering of Flock's, Kingdom's, Blessings, Works, Service, Spiritual Activity, and The Gift Offerings Including My Poured Out Blood in a Way that is Befitting Your Holiness in a Way That I May Find Comfort in A More Humble Mindset of Loyalty, Integrity, Holiness, Righteousness, Love, Devotion, Service and Generosity So That I May Continue to Serve You My God; For Service to You Has Become My Satisfaction and Your Holiness and Honour is What I Strive to Please and Satisfy.... May You Now Take of All My Spiritual Activity, Spiritual Work's, Spiritual Accomplishment's, Spiritual Will and In Way of Blessing Me that My Relationship With You Is The Blessing and Love Within a Blessed State is The Very Hope of My Every Desire... Please Take the Blessing as Gift and Blood of Mere Desire to Show Love in a Way of Pleasing You, And Merely If You See Me Worthy of Any other Blessings; Let it Be Given in the Free Expression of Your Heart as If You Only Feel Inclined; For In No Way to I Wish To Take Bribe for My Works; Nor Do I Wish to Take Advantage of You My God; However Inner Peace, Satisfaction and Abundant Blessed Love is Desired in My Heart... May You Now Take Great Progressive Pleasure in the Accomplishments of these Works; and May You Now Take Credit in Way of Truth of My Expression Inspired By Your Holiness, Righteousness and Goodwill... Let Me Now Feel Complete in My Works and Give in Truth the Complete Ruler-Ship and Holy Scepter To You My God; For You Are Worthy, You Are Holy, You Are Our Creator, You Are Deserving, You Are Righteous, You Are Mighty, You Are Wise, You Have Insight, You Have Power, You Have the Indefinitely Lasting Ruler-Ship, You Are My Master My God and My Desire is Found in Pleasing You with Generosity of Potency in Satisfying....


 “Stop weeping. Look! The Lion of the tribe of Judah,+ the root+ of David,+ has conquered+ so as to open the scroll and its seven seals.”
And I saw standing in the midst* of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders+ a lamb+ that seemed to have been slaughtered,+ having seven horns and seven eyes, and the eyes mean the seven spirits of God+ that have been sent out into the whole earth. At once he came forward and took it out of the right hand of the One seated on the throne.+ When he took the scroll, the four living creatures and the 24 elders+ fell down before the Lamb, and each one had a harp and golden bowls that were full of incense. (The incense means the prayers of the holy ones.)+ And they sing a new song,+ saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God+ out of every tribe and tongue* and people and nation,+ and you made them to be a kingdom+ and priests to our God,+ and they are to rule as kings+ over the earth.”
And I saw, and I heard a voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders, and the number of them was myriads of myriads* and thousands of thousands,+ and they were saying with a loud voice: “The Lamb who was slaughtered+ is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.”+
And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and underneath the earth+ and on the sea, and all the things in them, saying: “To the One sitting on the throne+ and to the Lamb+ be the blessing and the honor+ and the glory and the might forever and ever.”+ The four living creatures were saying: “Amen!” and the elders fell down and worshiped.

“If one of your brothers, a Hebrew man or woman, is sold to you and has served you for six times, then in the seventh time you should set him free.+ And if you should set him free, do not send him away empty-handed. You should supply him generously with something from your flock, your threshing floor, and your press for oil and wine. Just as Jehovah your God has blessed you, you should give to him. Remember that you became a slave in the land of Exodus and that Jehovah your God redeemed you. That is why I am commanding you to do this today.

I AM That I AM; Jehovah's Servant; Jon Alexander Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon; The Lion of the Flock of Kah-kholites of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris of the Seven Horned Lamb within the Boundary of Abel of Beth'maacah; The Shilonite


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